"I made a name by being compassionate."
- G. W. Bush
Key accomplishments in this area: a pilot program that houses 141 homeless veterans in Chicago, an extended web-based service referral system, and centers for faith-based and community initiatives that hosted 110 grant-writing workshops around the country.
- www.whitehouse.gov
(3,125 U.S. troops (and 60,000 Iraqi civilians) not available for comment.)
- www.whitehouse.gov
(3,125 U.S. troops (and 60,000 Iraqi civilians) not available for comment.)
A delusion is commonly defined as a fixed false belief and is used in everyday language to describe a belief that is either false, fanciful or derived from deception. In psychiatry, the definition is necessarily more precise and implies that the belief is pathological (the result of an illness or illness process).Delusions typically occur in the context of neurological or mental illness, although they are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic disorders and particularly in schizophrenia.
- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nice site, M. Peach.
Looks like we have similar views on Bush, I call him Lieboy. :)
And yes, he's delusional, psychotic and utterly mad. The sooner we impeach him AND Dick, the better.
Thanks! Nice praise coming form Gahzette. I appreciate it.
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