Sunday, July 30, 2006

White House treading on other branches

(from Rhonda Chriss Lokeman, Kansas City Star)

Are we to understand that the legislative solution to the constitutional crisis precipitated by Bush II is to sue the administration?

Senators proposed reviewing signing statements that President Bush attaches to legislation signed into law. Congress could have the right to sue.

Remember Sen. John McCain’s anti-torture amendment introduced to have the Army Field Manual upheld and prevent “cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment” of anyone in U.S. custody?

Bush signed it, then dissented in a signing statement. This is like crossing one’s fingers, claiming to be truthful. Those little white lies add up... Senators are building a case for the executive’s obvious contempt for the legislature...

There is but one shield, and we, the people, have it: the Constitution.

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