Friday, June 09, 2006

Time to impeach

Courier Post online - opinion

Let's stop beating around the "Bush" and start beating the "Bush."

President Bush is ruining our country. Almost everything he puts his hand on gets fouled up due to his lust for power and absolute authority, his complete lack of concern for the average person and his enormous ego and arrogance.

Did this "frat boy" ever have to put in an honest day's work to earn a living? You figure it out. How many hundreds of our finest young men and women have perished in Iraq since he boastfully declared, "mission accomplished" three years ago. How many thousands have come home badly disabled for the rest of their lives? How many (mostly innocent) Iraqis have been slaughtered? How much of our tax money has gone up in smoke over there? How heavily will our children and grandchildren be taxed to repay the enormous debt Bush is piling up?

It's time to impeach this president for his callous misleading of our beloved America. Now is the time to cut short our losses under the distorted and failing goals of this power-obsessed president.

V. TURKOT, Woodlynne

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