Thursday, May 25, 2006

Decision to impeach Bushnot a political one

Portland Morning Sentinal
Scott Austin
Thursday, May 25, 2006

I always read and respect the opinions expressed by Jim Brunelle, but his column of May 11 leaves me wondering. As one of the Kennebec County Democrats voting to impeach Bush and Cheney, I think Brunelle is missing an important point.

This isn't about politics.

What it is about is the accumulation of substantial evidence that this administration has broken its pledge to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States on many issues. A thorough investigation is warranted and past due.

Our decision to take action is further compounded by a willingness of the Republican-controlled House and Senate to rubber stamp everything the Bush administration proposes. Our call for impeachment proceedings is a grassroots effort to force an investigation that Congress refuses to do.

Our country was created on a system of checks and balances among three branches of government. The Republican-controlled Congress is doing an embarrassing job of protecting what may be the most corrupt and secretive executive branch to ever occupy the White House. If Congress refuses to accept its responsibility to assert and exercise its powers, then action must come from the citizens.

If laws were broken, then it is our duty as citizens to rock the boat and force Congress to put this nation through an impeachment proceeding now, as uncomfortable as Brunelle thinks that may be.

That's where the Kennebec County Democrats are coming from.

Scott Austin


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